Well let’s be honest, it’s not about the humans – its about US!! Giving voices to a few, but they represent so many. Its why SOLO does what we do. So here are some of our stories…“
A Puppy’s Story
I’m a goofy kinda fellow…a bit daft and a I can spend hours talking to a tree or a lamppost. As for humans – well I wasn’t very keen on them when I was a pup, in fact I was downright scared of them and cowered to make myself invisible whenever they were near – especially the mini humans …..
A Sheep’s Story
Apparently my mum died when I was born – the silly dolt ate a poisonous flower and keeled over dead…well she was a sheep and not the brightest tool in the toolbox, but that still seems foolish even to me. Apparently there were two options for me – into the stew pot – apparently I go well with carrots? Or someone had to raise me….. …..
She can’t tell her story – so we will tell it for her.
Roro was born into the human world of neglect. We won’t make her story long as it’s hard. We don’t know how she ended up on the road, but she did. Beaten, starved, emaciated and bloody. She was then hit by a car and left for dead. Broken jaw, broken leg and barely alive. She was rescued. She healed. She went into foster care and she started to live. She was happy. But Roro’s story is not a happy one.